Meet Microsoft Excel's 30+Date and Time functions.

DATE(year, month, day)
Date based on the provided year, month, and day.
Example: =DATE(2023, 1, 15) returns 15/01/2023
DATE(year, month, day)
Date specified by a particular year, month, and day.
Example: =DATE(2023, 01, 15) returns 15/01/2023
Tip: Use four digits for the year argument to prevent unwanted results. For example, "07" could mean "1907" or "2007." Four digit years prevent confusion.
Our examples are using the format DD/MM/YYYY
DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)
Number of full units of a given type between two dates, with a fraction representing the part of the unit at the end date.
Example: =DATEDIF("01/01/2023","15/01/2023","D") returns 14
DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, unit)
Number of units of time between two dates.
Example: =DATEDIF("01/01/2023","15/01/2023","D") returns 14
DATEIF(start_date, end_date, unit)
Number of full units of a given type between two dates, with a fraction representing the part of the unit at the end date.
Example: =DATEDIF("01/01/2023","15/01/2023","D") returns 14
Date represented by a text string.
Example: =DATEVALUE("15/01/2023") returns the date value of 15/01/2023
Day of the month for a given date.
Example: =DAY("15/01/2023") returns 15

DAYS(end_date, start_date)
Number of days between two dates.
Example: =DAYS("15/01/2023","01/01/2023") returns 14
DAYS360(start_date, end_date, method)
Number of days between two dates based on the 30/360 method.
Example: =DAYS360("1/01/2023", "15/01/2023", TRUE) returns 14
EDATE(start_date, months)
Date that is a specified number of months before or after a date.
Example: =EDATE("15/01/2023", 3) returns 15/04/2023
EOMONTH(start_date, months)
Last day of the month, a specified number of months before or after a date.
Example: =EOMONTH("15/01/2023", 1) returns 28/02/2023
EOMONTH(start_date, months)
Last day of the month, a specified number of months before or after a date.
Example: =EOMONTH("15/01/2023", 1) returns 28/02/2023
Returns the hour as a number from 0 (12:00 AM) to 23 (11:00 PM) of a time value.
Example: =HOUR("10:30:15 AM") returns 10
Returns the ISO week number of a date, as a number from 1 to 53.
Example: =ISOWEEKNUM("15/01/2023") returns 3
The minute as a number from 0 to 59 of a time value.
Example: =MINUTE("10:30:15 AM") returns 30
Month of the year for a given date.
Example: =MONTH("15/01/2023") returns 1
MONTHS(end_date, start_date)
Number of months between two dates,
Example: =MONTHS("15/01/2023","01/01/2023") returns 0
NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, holidays)
Number of whole working days between two dates, excluding weekends and holidays.
Example: =NETWORKDAYS("1/1/2023", "15/1/2023", {17/1/2023, 18/1/2023}) returns 11
Current date and time.
Example: =NOW() returns the current date and time
Returns the second as a number from 0 to 59 of a time value.
Example: =SECOND("10:30:15 AM") returns 15

TIME(hour, minute, second)
Time based on the provided hour, minute, and second.
Example: =TIME(10, 30, 15) returns 10:30:15 AM
Time represented by a text string.
Example: =TIMEVALUE("10:30:15 AM") returns the time value of 10:30:15 AM
The current date.
Example: =TODAY() returns the current date
Week number of a date, as a number from 1 to 54.
Example: =WEEKNUM("15/01/2023") returns 3
WEEKNUM(date, [type])
Week number of a date, as a number from 1 to 54.
Example: =WEEKNUM("15/01/2023",2) returns 3
WORKDAY(start_date, days, holidays)
Represents a date that is the indicated number of working days before or after a date, excluding weekends and holidays.
Example: =WORKDAY("15/01/2023", 3, {17/01/2023, 18/01/2023}) returns 20/01/2023
WORKDAY.INTL(start_date, days, [weekend], [holidays])
A date that is the indicated number of working days before or after a date, based on the weekend and holidays arguments.
Example: =WORKDAY.INTL("15/01/2023", 3, "1111100", {17/17/2023, 18/01/2023}) returns 20/01/2023
Year for a given date.
Example: =YEAR("15/01/2023") returns 2023
YEARFRAC(start_date, end_date, basis)
Fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates.
Example: =YEARFRAC("01/01/2023", "15/01/2023", 1) returns 0.1041
YEARS(end_date, start_date)
Number of years between two dates.
Example: =YEARS("15/01/2023","01/01/2023") returns 0
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